

You are capable of retiring early no matter your job or age

I went from slaving away at my 9-5 job to retiring from corporate at 25 years old, all thanks to my Passive Income Ecosystem! My first “big girl” job was working as a Big 4 Auditor, making $59,000 a year, which was not that much compared to the cost of living in LA. I did not let my salary limit my total income, as I started creating more beyond my 9-5 job. Soon, my additional income streams surpassed my salary.

My initial plan was not early retirement. However, that changed when I was unexpectedly fired from my corporate job in the midst of the pandemic, right after I returned to work from medical leave. I decided to turn “fired” into and FI/RE, and retire early from corporate.

Now, I help freedom seekers create their own Passive Income Ecosystem to retire from anything out of alignment! If that sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, click the button below!

My world was turned upside down

When I soon realized that my “dream career” was causing me to feel dead inside. I chose my Finance & Accounting career based on what my parents and professors expected, instead of what I wanted. No matter how many times I pushed myself into believing that I made the “right” choice, I could feel the long hours at work corroding my soul. The only time I felt fully alive was outside of work, yet I was working all the time.

To make myself feel more alive, I devoted all my time outside of work to exploring interests and income streams beyond my job. That’s the birth of the Passive Income Ecosystem.

Today, I help freedom seekers expand their income streams and retire early via the Passive Income Ecosystem. Wanna know how? Click the button below to watch my free training about it!

Freedom Seekers in our World









Early Retirement was a Natural Byproduct

Unlike other FI/RE enthusiasts, I did not plan to retire early from the very beginning. I just felt so uninspired from my day-to-day tasks at work, and had to add other elements of fun into my life. Little did I know, these fun elements turned into income streams, which turned into my exit plan from the corporate rat race when I was most depressed and burnt out. 

To say that the Passive Income Ecosystem changed my life is an understatement; it practically saved my life from all my thoughts of becoming unalive when I was clinically depressed and fired. I was fortunate to have a Passive Income Ecosystem that allowed me to retire early instead of going back to the toxic work environment, and I want that for you too!

This is why I am obsessed with talking about the Passive Income Ecosystem – and why I’m so eager to show you how to do it too!

Wanna see what happens when you implement what I teach?

Here are some of my students’ stories

Ready to learn all about my Passive Income Ecosystem?

Click the button below to get instant access to my free training all about how to retire early

Cherry Tung – FI/RE And Freedom Mentor

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